Morning Star
Everything has gone wrong today. This is the second time this has happened. I write a great long blog and, while running up to the top of it to change the font, the whole thing disappears forever. So that's two horrible things that have happened to me today. More worse things happen than good ones, it feels like, but I'll blog on that later.
Here goes again:
That is a fabulous site that helped me work out that it was Venus I saw this morning at dawn. I hope they don't mind me taking their photo from this site. It might get another subscriber! I wrote a lot of other things about my Venus being exactly below the crossing of two aeroplane tracks, and that I'd taken a photo of it, and some poetical things about Venus and the Bristol Channel, etc., but it's all gone into the ether. And all I was doing was making my font dark blue, as I thought that suited the night time better. Time for some serious alcohol, says Polly.
Labels: Morning Star, Night Sky in October, Venus