I am disheartened by everything now.
It's not only the state of society, but probably just the dark late afternoons so that there seems no time to do anything.
I should be writing a jubilant blog about the fact that we have two lambs in the field, but I am so dispirited by my lovely big picture being nearly obliterated from the top of my blog (what did I DO? How did it HAPPEN?) that I haven't wanted to even come here or write a thing.
If anyone reading this can please tell me what went wrong and how I can put it right, then I'll be back. In the meantime, here is my photo of the week. There has to be some hope for humanity.
Labels: Blog Heading, Hope for Humanity
The picture threw me. Before I scrolled down I thought I was going to see a mushroom....
The final shot was heartening and so touching. Thank you for a peep of humanity in action. So rare these days.
Thank you. And I love your blog. I laughed today reading about your Christmas cleanup. It's an identical scenario here.
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