
Country Girl

Monday, 29 January 2007

Yes, they were fox cubs . . .

. . . because I surfed the internet for the sounds of foxes and found a wonderful site with the chirruping of fox cubs!

http://www.angelfire.com/ar2/thefoxden/sounds.html Then go to the foxkits wave.

So it was three little cubs, thrown out of their home to go and "get a life". In the morning I saw that they had been having their little rendevous on a high and dry part of the field where some straw was down for the lambs.

Our sheep lamb in the field. They are just great. They ignore any fox that wends its way through the field in broad daylight. They don't even call their lambs to them. And the foxes don't seem interested in the lambs. This is probably because we also have SOOOOOO many rabbits.

I would have thought that the chirruping sound that comes from crop circles would be fox cubs (kits they seem to call them in the States), but they will no longer be chirruping in the summer, season of crop circles, will they?

And who is going to tell me why their eyes looked like three great coloured oblongs?

What I wear for ditching is very old cotton interlock shirts, a very old fleece with the tight wrist bits cut off, very old trackie bottoms, men's socks and big black wellies and white cotton glove linings and big strong long rubber gloves (though these are no good as thorns go through them) and my old arran hat that I shaped to keep the back of my neck warm and keep tight with a kilt pin. So who is going to tell me the right gloves? I can't wear humungous strong men's gloves.

I hate poncy wellies. I think black wellies are cool. I especially love kids in black wellies. You don't see too many of them these days. They are now all got up in colours of the rainbow, like their pathetic yummy mummies, but I remember certain tough little farm kids I knew a few years ago, at home outdoors with sticks and dogs and lambs and mud.

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